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Create your first Inzata project

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On the project screen, click the + Project button. Give the project a descriptive name so you can find it easily later.


Create a snapshot of Production Project

Using the three buttons on the right side of the screen, create a snapshot. Give it a name and a description.

You can use the project snapshot you just made to create a new project, or restore the snapshot to overrite an existing one.  This is useful if you wish to have separate “Development” “QA-Test” and “Production” environments.  You can use snapshots to promote code changes between these different environments. You can make your changes in the Dev project, snapshot it, then restore that snapshot to your QA environment for testing, then once testing is completed, restore the snapshot to production.  (You may want to create a pre-push snapshot of Production so you quickly roll back the changes if necessary.)
On the project you wish to restore to, click “Restore snapshot”

1. Using the menu on the right side of the screen, “Restore Snapshot”. 

2. Choose the snapshot you just created and press the play button.

3. This will create an exact replica of the Inzata project including all of the flows, the data model, the metrics, and the dashboards, and any authorized user accounts. Any modifications on this project will NOT go to production unless specifically pushed to it.

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