InModeler > Settings
The Settings tab allows you to modify your loaded clusters.

This feature enables the user to remove all the connections and joins among loads which have been implemented in a project. All the dimensions added and integrated from the list of offered – compatible ones from the IM Object Marketplace will be automatically removed.
USE THIS FUNCTION WITH CAUTION. Accidental de-integration will require the data model to be recreated from the clusters.
Click on the settings tab.
Press the “De-Integrate” button.
All the-integrated steps are described in in the picture:
- All connected packages will be removed
- All joined dimensions will be disconnected and removed
- LDM will be restored to its original state ( as they were after loading all the data clusters into the common space (not joined/connected, just stand alone status)..
Press the next “De-Integrate” button to start the process:

Pull/Push Project
Because multiple projects can be worked on by a user, Inzata supports the creation of staging and development projects that can be worked on without affecting the main production project. If a user takes this approach to developing their data warehouse, then they can use the Pull function to take the changes committed to a production project and replicate them in a staging/dev project. To complement that, a staging/dev project can be pushed to a production project using the “Push” button.