Data Quality

Inzata’s Fully Automated data quality solution Ensuring the accuracy, completene

Facts, Attributes, and Metrics

Facts, Attributes and Metrics What are they? How do they work? – https://h

Sprint review 151

We made numerous UI changes as part of the step-by-step redesign of the entire a

Sprint review 148 – from End-User perspective

InBoard: Widget Map redesign in Dashboard ability to add more layers to the map:

Sprint review 149

Sprint review 149 – from End-User perspective App: Be able to impersonate

New Feature Releases/Change Logs

Snowflake DB

Configure Inzata’s connector to automate ingestion of data from Snowflake

Push Process

How does it work? The PUSH process facilitates the smooth propagation of changes

FAQ – Data Enrichment

FAQ – Modeling Data

FAQ – Loading and Moving Data

FAQ – General

What is Inzata? Inzata is a Data Analysis Software platform, Inzata is the faste

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