Input (Data Connectors)

HTML Downloader

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This Inflow input method is a highly flexible tool that involves some technical understanding of how webscraping works. It differs from the HTML Table Downloader in that it can scrape from more than one location at a time and requires an input table. This input table must contain a column of URLs and it may also contain one or more columns containing the link attributes associated with each given URL.



URL Column:  The column from the data being fed to this input that contains the URLs of the data to be ingested

Attribute Columns: What columns in the data being fed to this input contain the data to formulate the batch of requests

Method:  If the request will be GET or POST, POST will be used when you need to do something to have the data returned first. If you are not sure what to use then use GET

Post data: If you selected the POST method, here is where you would supply the data for that POST statement

Selector: Where the data is located or where the post statement should be given. This can be found by right clicking on the desired data on the webpage and selecting “Inspect Element”. Then in the console that opens hover over items in this console until your data is highlighted and then right click again and chose “Copy Selector”. Then enter that information here.

HTML entity type: If the data is contained in a table object or a block of text

What to use as header: What should be recognized as the headers of the data, is it the first column of data, should Inzata just use the column number, or did you want to define your own headers

Own definition of header (optional): If you define your own headers then you would enter that definition here

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