Google BigQuery

Pulling data from BigQuery is made straightforward with this connector. To learn more about how to get a JWT for access credentials if needed, please refer to Google’s documentation here.
Query: This should be a query that Selects a table or a view from withing Google Big Query. Please note Google Big Query will refuse to export tables if they have a lot of “Order” or “Group” statements or potentially if the table is poorly built in Google Big Query.
Credentials (optional): If there are access restrictions on the Google Big Query data then you need to provide the json access credentials for a service account with access to that data here.
Show File Content: When a user wants to review the uploaded credentials json file they can use this button. It will load a pop-up window within the browser that displays the file contents.
Big Result (optional): This option is for users using legacy sql in their query to set the AllowLargeResults flag.