Input (Data Connectors)

CSV Remote File

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 111 views

This input task requires a greater technical understanding for how files are made available via hosting or API. It is used to download csv, tsv, or txt files that are publicly hosted or are made available through an API. It may work for other file formats as well, however those are not officially supported.


URL: The web URL of the file you wish to be downloading

Method: If the request will be GET or POST, POST will be used when you need to do something to have the data returned first. If you are not sure what to use then use GET

Choose file encoding: Is the file utf8 or ascii

Post data (optional): If you selected the POST method, here is where you would supply the data for that POST statement

Line Delimiter (optional): This is where you can specify the type of end of line character for the data

Value Delimiter (optional): This is the delimiter of the data, this should be a single character

Quote Character (optional): You can also specify a quote character if the data is enclosed within single quotes or something else

Escape Character (optional): How the data is escaped, most of the time this is also a quote character

Read only N lines (optional): If you only want to read the first X lines of data you can put a number here

Use safe mode (optional): If the data is quoted and escaped you should use this option for more checks while parsing the data

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