
Text Widget

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The text widget allows you to add text boxes to your dashbaords. These text boxes can support multiple sizes, colors, and formatting options all within the same text box.

Going from left to right starting at the top the icons allow you to do the following:

  1. Font Size – Allows you to change the size of the selected text between “Huge”, “Large”, “Normal”, and “Small” text sizes. The default size is “Huge”
  2. Font Color – This allows you to change the color of the selected text
  3. Highlight Color – This option allows you to add a highlight to the selected text in whatever color you want to use
  4. Bold Text – This option allows you to bold the selected text
  5. Italic Text – This allows you to italicize the selected text
  6. Underline Text – This allows you to underline the selected text
  7. Text Alignment – Allows you to select the alignment for the selected text. The options are “Left Align”, “Center Align”, “Right Align”, and “Justified”. The default is “Left Align”.
  8. Hyperlink – Allows you to convert the selected text to a hyperlink and set the destination URL
  9. Subscript Text – Allows you to make the selected text a subscript
  10. Widget Background Color – Allows you to set a specific color as the background to the whole widget

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