
Image Widget

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The image widget allows you to add an image to your dashboard. This is useful in the cases where maybe you want to include a map from some other platform or maybe a logo.

Do note that Inzata will load the image at whatever resolution the native image is, large images can slow down dashboards significantly.

Border Radius

This option lets you set how thick an outline your image has within the widget.


This option lets you set how transparent the image is. Note this will only affect images that are in a format that supports transparency like PNG. JPEG or JPG images do not support transparency. The higher the value is set, the less transparent the image is. 100% means no transparency and 0% means the image is invisible.


This option lets you shrink an image within the widget itself.


These options let you set where the image appears within the widget. The top row of icons sets the horizontal alignment and the bottom row sets the vertical alignment

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