

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 133 views

There are many ways to create filters within Inzata. A filter can be created from any combination of metrics, facts, attributes, or other filters within Inzata. These can be saved within the equation editor for the filters menu for easy use in the future or typed directly into a report widget. There are predominantly 3 types of filters within Inzata. They are:

Selection filters are things like the following:

  • [attribute] = [value from attribute]
    • Selects a single attribute value
  • [attribute] <> [value from attribute]
    • Selects all EXCEPT a single attribute value
  • [attribute] IN ( [value from att.] , [value from att.] )
    • Selects a group of attribute values
  • [attribute] NOT IN ( [value from att.] , [value from att.] )
    • Selects all EXCEPT a group of attribute values

Range filters are similar to:

  • ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) > [numeric value]
    • Selects all greater than a value
  • ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) < [numeric value] 
    • Selects all less than a value
  • ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) > [numeric value] AND ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) < [numeric value] 
    • Selects all values within a range
  • ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) > [numeric value] OR ( [metric] DICE [attribute] ) < [numeric value] 
    • Selects all values outside a range

NOTE: If these filters remind you of reports it’s because they are constructed in the same way

Top and Bottom filters are like the following:

  • ( TOP ( [metric] , [numeric value] ) DICE [attribute] ) > 0
  • ( TOP ( [metric] , [numeric value] ) DICE [attribute] SLICE [selection filter] ) > 0 

NOTE: If these filters remind you of reports it’s because they are constructed in the same way. The “numeric value” after the metric denotes how many values are going to be shown in the final table (i.e. 5 would lead to the top 5 or 10 would lead to the top 10).

Filters can be combined by using the keyword AND or alternatively OR. For example entering a filter as FILTER_1 AND FILTER_2 will only show data where both filter criteria are met. However, FILTER_1 OR FILTER_2 will show data for where either filter criteria is met.

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