

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 112 views

Within Inzata, a Fact is a set of column values in your data set. A single value of fact represents the most granular level of your transactional data, an individual data field at the intersection of a row and a column in a table. Think of a single value of Fact as analogous to a single cell in a spreadsheet containing an integer.

Within inBoard it is not possible to create new facts, it is possible to edit existing facts only. To open a fact move the cursor over the fact name and click on the fact name.

A new tab will appear. The options can be seen by opening the “fact” option from the widget menu seen on the right side of your screen.

From top to bottom, the items and what they effect are:

  • Name – This lets you set a name for your fact. This will be how it is displayed in the open tabs bar as well as within the list from the objects menu. This fact name can be changed at any time.
  • Ident – This is how inzata will internally recognize the fact. It is not possible to change it.
  • Description – Can contain a brief description of fact.

At the top there are graphically depicted direct relations of the selected fact from the LDM.
The Used By section provides the list of all objects where the fact is part of their definition (reports, metrics,…) 

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Facts, Attributes and Metrics What are they? How do they work? – https://h

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FAQ – Data Enrichment

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FAQ – Loading and Moving Data

FAQ – General

What is Inzata? Inzata is a Data Analysis Software platform, Inzata is the faste

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