Spline Line is similar to the line graph, except the spline line’s shape is smoothed using spline function. You can add as many metrics as you want to a spline line report and as many attributes. Attributes contained in rows are used as labels on X axis. Attributes contained in columns define the spline lines.
Special Options and Parameters:
- Show with multi axis – If set then graph shows axis for each data set
- Show median on X axis- Shows data in terms of percentiles from 0 to 100
- Show trendline – If set then graph shows trendline for each data set
- Show as cumulative – If set then graph shows cumulative values instead original values
- Stroke
- Size – Sets the width of the lines
- Dashed stroke – If set then lines are dashed
- Labels
- Show labels – If set then labels are displayed, their size and position should be changed in section Label Positions for each data set
- Show dots – If set then dots of values are displayed
- Legends
- Show legend – If set then legends are displayed, default is true
- Size – Set size of legend text
- Set color of the same as theme – If set then text of legend is the same color as lines
- Axis Labels
- Min value, Max value – Defines range of values on Y axis. Default is set to auto.
- Show Axis – If set then graph axises are displayed
- Show Y axis labels – If set then labels on axis Y are displayed
- Size – Set size of text of labels on Y axis
- Show Y axis labels – If set then labels on axis X are displayed
- Size – Set size of text of labels on X axis
- Show Grid – If set then grid on graph is displayed. Default is set.
- Color theme
- Select color palette – Sets color palette for graph lines. User can modify Custom palette