Inzata Support

Inzata Support

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Inzata is FAST, able to ingest data at more than 250,000 rows per second on average


Simple Table

Estimated reading: 1 minute 94 views

You can add as many metrics as you want to a table and they will display to the right of the attributes contained in the report. All attributes contained in the report are displayed in rows even if they are defined in columns of the report, data is not cross tabulated, paged and formatted.

Special Options and Parameters:

  • Data section
    • Background color – Sets the background color for the cells in the table
    • Text color – Sets a color for the text within the cells, this will overwrite any conditional formatting
    • Separator – Sets the color, thickness and style of the separator in the data section of the table
  • Header section
    • Background color – Sets the color of the background in the header section
    • Text Color – Sets the color of the header text
    • Separator – Sets the color, thickness and style of the separator in the header section

Data Quality

Inzata’s Fully Automated data quality solution Ensuring the accuracy, completene

Facts, Attributes, and Metrics

Facts, Attributes and Metrics What are they? How do they work? – https://h

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New Feature Releases/Change Logs

Snowflake DB

Configure Inzata’s connector to automate ingestion of data from Snowflake

Push Process

How does it work? The PUSH process facilitates the smooth propagation of changes

FAQ – Data Enrichment

FAQ – Modeling Data

FAQ – Loading and Moving Data

FAQ – General

What is Inzata? Inzata is a Data Analysis Software platform, Inzata is the faste

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