Create or Edit Dashboards – inBoard

Previewing Data with the Element Menu

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The element menu within Inzata can be accessed through any attribute object by performing the following:

  1. Click Attributes on the object menu
  2. Click the drop down arrow to right of the attribute of which you want to see the listed elements
  3. Click the “=” sign next to the label you want to see all the elements of

These menu shows all the possible elements of the label within an attribute. For example if I selected the attribute “state” and then the label “Abbreviation” I would see the elements list containing data such as “AL” and “AK”. However if I instead chose the label “Full Name” I would see “Alabama” and “Alaska”. If you hover over the element itself you will see its associated Inzata ID number. You can also drag these elements over to use as filtering criteria in the case where you don’t want to type the full name of the element.

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