FAQ – Dashboards

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Why am I not seeing a particular dashboard in my workspace?

Dashboards are not available for the customers with fiscal calendars.

What user role should I have to view dashboards?

All workspace users can view dashboards and set up alerts for when data changes. Only users with InBoard access can create dashboards.

How are dashboards shared and with whom?

Dashboards can be shared with groups (roles) or individual users.  InBoard users have the ability to set sharing policies for each dashboard they create. Any change you save is immediately visible to all workspace users.

How many dashboards can I have in my workspace?

There is no limit to the number of dashboards in your workspace.  Tips if you have a lot of dashboards:

1) We recommend using Folders in the dashboard list view to keep your dashboards organized by type or status

2) Use the Search field to type a few letters from the dashboard’s name to quickly find it in the list.

Can I reorder dashboards in the dashboard list?

No. The dashboards are listed alphabetically.

Can I export dashboards to PDF?

Yes. You can export dashboards to PDF using the PDF button at the top center of the screen.  InFlow users can also schedule regular emails with PDF dashboards.

How many widgets or charts can I add to a dashboard?

The default dashboard widget limit is 16.  Contact your Inzata administrator if you need this limit raised. We recommend keeping the number of KPIs and insights below 16 to avoid delays in report computation.


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