How to Make or Edit a Dashboard

This video will teach you the basics of how to create and edit a dashboard. As you start using Inzata, developing a solid foundation for the basics of the dashboard editor, inBoard. Creating and editing dashboards involves utilizing the pivot menus, format menus, dashboard styles, and utilizing the different dashboard widgets.

How to Add Conditional Formatting to a Metric

Conditional formatting is a key aspect of a table that successfully communicates your analytic outputs and insights. By changing the color of text and cells, adding different characters, or even varying the size of the text, you can create tables that draw the readers’ attention to the main points that help tell your data stories.

How to Create a Count Metric


Learn how to make a metric that counts the individual records and can be a tool for many other types of sophisticated data exploration. It can be used in filters to narrow down a selection, as part of the formula for a percent metric or benchmark visualization, or to just count the number of records in a selection. The main building block of a count metric is the “Count” function.

How to Create a Percent Metric

Often times while working with data, it is best to display data in relative terms such as when visualizing percent change, profit margins, or demographics. Creating this in Inzata involves using metrics in inBoard, and this video will show how it is done. Learn how to make percent metrics using Inzata’s flexible metric framework.


How to Create Benchmarking Chart

When telling your data story, a useful visualization type can be the benchmarking chart. It highlights individual points within a given set of data so that readers can see those specific data points in the context of all the other data points within that dataset. This approach can be utilized with many different types of metrics and situations such as when viewing an individual student’s performance on a test, compared to the rest of the students taking the test.


How to Create Filters

Filters are one of the main features in Inzata for manipulating data, whether it be for transforming it, visualizing it, or combining different sets of data. This video shows the basics of how they work and also demonstrates how they are used in practice. Learn how to use this essential building block of Inzata’s inBoard application to discover new insights from your data.

How to Make a Control

Controls are another main feature for Inzata, and they enable users to design their interactive dashboards and reports with great flexibility. The different versions of the controls create a smooth and intuitive customer experience when viewing dashboards and reports.


How to Make a Metric

In Inzata, a metric is a calculated formula field used to produce an aggregate (Sum, Average, Count, etc) of individual data elements.  Metrics are the foundation of dashboards. What makes metrics special is that the formulas can be modified by combining them with different attributes and elements to produce different totals and values. 

How to Make a Report

Inzata dashboards are made up of objects called widgets that are displayed over the dashboard background grid. The widget that loads data from the data warehouse and visualizes it is called the “report” widget. There are two main types of reports, tables and charts.

How to Make Chained Filter Controls

(Report-by-report filtering)

Inzata allows you to chain filter controls together to allow one filter to control the available choices in another filter. An example would be one filter “Select US State” which lets the user choose a state, tied to a second filter “City:” that auto-loads only the cities for the selected state.

This helps let users quickly select their desired values without having to scroll through hundreds or thousands of choices.

How to Rename Any Inzata Object

All objects in Inzata can be renamed. Some objects have special menus to delete them, and this video illustrates those. This feature gives users adaptability in the design of their data warehouse and analytic outputs by not tying users to initial object names at the beginning of an Inzata project set-up.

How to Use TOP and BOTTOM Filter Operators

While Inzata can work with massive amounts of data to show users a 360 degree view of their business, sometimes users do not want to see thousands of records represented on a bar chart or table and would rather have a view summarize their data. That is what the TOP and BOTTOM filter operators do. These operator allow users to narrow down selections to only a user-selected quantity of “top” or “bottom” records as ordered by value in a specific column.

Introduction to AQL (Analytical Query Language)

AQL is the query language that Inzata uses. It is simple to learn and unlocks powerful data aggregation features with simple commands. While learning AQL is not required to use Inzata, it can be used to gain complete control over your queries and dashboards.

Intro to Map Visualizations – Heatmaps and Choropleth Maps



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